Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Traveling Once More

After twoish weeks of lazing around Norwich, I'm off to Italy tomorrow to meet up with my buddy Nony in Florence. I'll be in the country for six days. Where we go is still up in the air, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Thing is, he doesn't have a working phone and I'm basically going to make it to the hostel he's currently at and track him down from there.

Once I return, it's just a bunch of reading and re-reading my Film History stuff for the exam on May 5th. I fly home two days later. Can't wait.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today I took a walk on several of the lengthy trails near the UEA lake. It was gorgeously sunny and I wore shorts for the first time in ages. Alcest proved to be a beautiful, perfectly fitting soundtrack. Summer is hardly far away.

In somewhat sucky news, my workout routine has gone completely down the toilet in the past month or so. I keep procrastinating and it's ridiculous. Time to remedy that...tomorrow. Haha.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, Poe seminar got snatched up. BUT I'm taking a seminar on Oscar Wilde instead. Not bad at all!

Sari scored me a single in my sophomore-year stomping grounds of Tuttle. It's apparently the biggest single in the building, and faces the quad. So excited right now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nail-Biting Doublewhammy

Okay, so Berlin was awesome, photos to come.

Tonight, however, is something I'm fearing. It's both Goucher's room draw AND class registrationfor upcoming seniors. While it's no argument that having both these things on the same night is an idiotic decision, that's not what's aggravating me.

First of all, I'm room draw number 186 out of the entire senior class-- and the college as well, given that seniors draw first. I'm basically guaranteed a single, but am really hoping I can get one in Mary Fisher (one of the nicer campus locations). It all rests on 1) luck and 2) Sari, who was nice enough to be my registration proxy. If you're reading this, dear...thank you kindly!

More important are my classes. Hypothetically, being a senior and able to register before the rest of the college trumps any possibility of not getting the classses you want. Well, I got the last timeslot of the night-- 10 PM, 3 AM here in the UK-- and EIGHT of 15 seats in the Poe seminar I've been stoked on for months are already taken by ongoing seniors. I took another course with the same prof last semester, and emphasized my enthusiasm and interest for the seminar many times after she mentioned it to me. She's covering Lovecraft, too! I've sent her an email asking about possibilities of enrollment even if the class is closed by the time I register (which, according to my advisor, is likely). I wish I had more hands, and therefore more fingers to cross.

I have no food in my pantry/fridge space and better go get on that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dawn of Victory

As of five minutes ago, all three of the following huge projects are printed, in my backpack and ready to be timestamped and turned in tomorrow:

-2,700+-word paper on Double Indemnity's marketing campaign (Film History)
-1000-word analysis of three different news documents/clippings (Journalism)
-2000-word final draft of my short story, "Grown-Ups," and an additional 500-word critcal self-commentary (Creative Writing)

Now all I have left is a gigantic final in Film History on May 5th. But that's virtually aeons away at this point...time to head to London, then Germany this weekend! Spring break is officially in full swing!